Do you have a part-time job? What kind of job is it, and how many hours per week do you work?
Is it common to find a boyfriend or girlfriend on campus? How do you think campus life affects relationships?
Do you live in a dormitory, or do you live in an apartment or house? What do you think are the pros and cons of living in a dorm?
What is your favorite dish at the school cafeteria? Also, what do you think about the quality of the food?
What kind of clubs or societies are you a part of? What are those activities like?
How do you spend your holidays as a university student? Do you have any favorite activities?
What is the university event you look forward to the most each year? Why do you like that event?
Have you ever studied abroad? Which country did you go to? What did you learn from that experience?
How do you manage stress from academics and life? Do you have any effective methods?
What is the common fashion style on university campuses? Can you tell me about your personal fashion?